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Table 1 Characterization of intensity-curvature functional

From: Intensity-curvature functional based digital high pass filter of the bivariate cubic B-spline model polynomial function

Image intensity gradients

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

ζ (α2, α3)





γ (α2, α3)





λ (α2, α3)





Behavior of ICF





Image intensity gradients

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

ζ (α2, α3)





γ (α2, α3)





λ (α2, α3)





Behavior of ICF





Image intensity gradients

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

f (0, 0)

ζ (α2, α3)

! < < AND ! >>

! > > AND ! < <

! < < AND ! >>

! < < AND ! >>

γ (α2, α3)

! < < AND ! >>

! < < AND ! >>

! > > AND ! < <

! < < AND ! >>

λ (α2, α3)

! < <

! < < AND ! >>

! < < AND ! >>

! >>

Behavior of ICF

gradient-like or image-like

gradient-like or image-like

gradient-like or image-like

gradient-like or image-like

  1. This table can be read by considering: 1. The term in the first column (which is ζ (α2, α3) or γ (α2, α3) or λ (α2, α3)); 2. The inequality sign (in the cell of the table); 3. The value of the pixel intensity f(0, 0). For instance: ζ (α2, α3) < < f(0, 0). The symbols: ‘!’, ‘<<’, ‘>>’, ‘AND’; mean different, largely smaller than, largely bigger than, and the logical and, respectively. Thus, the symbol ‘! < < AND ! >>’ reads: not largely less than and at the same time not largely greater than. Moreover, the symbol ‘! > > AND ! < <’ reads: not largely greater than and at the same time not largely smaller than