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Table 1 Menu

From: Software development for modeling irregular fine protrusions formed by sputter etching

(1) File: consists of submenus “Create model”, “Open model”, “Save” and “Exit”.

(2) Select: consists of submenus “Select all vertexes”, “Select all squares”, “Select all patches” and “Select vertexes of specified patches”.

(3) Lock/Unlock: consists of submenus “Fix vertexes/squares/patches” and “Release vertexes/squares/patches”.

(4) Setup/Option: consists of submenus “Set scale”, “Random variation”, “Auto-save on/off”, “Visible range”, “Set moving speed”, “Hide patches”, “Show all patches”.

(5) Undo/Redo: consists of submenus “Go back” and “Recover”.

(6) Show/Check: consists of submenus “Vertex information” and “Error check”.

(7) Texture Mapping: consists of submenus “Map texture” and “Edit texture”.

(8) Window: consists of submenus “Projection mode” and “Clean”.

(9) Help: show information of the software.