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Fig. 3 | Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art

Fig. 3

From: Spatially resolved transcriptomics in immersive environments

Fig. 3

Features and functions of VR-Cardiomics. A) VR-Cardiomics menu panel (HMD-VR), with all features of VR-Cardiomics, which are also valid for an FTVR with the exception of features 4,5,6, and 10. 1) A sorted list of genes with similar expression patterns as the selected gene. 2) Search bar with complete auto features. 3) Piecewise comparison/group selection feature. 4) Sidebar panel, functions from top to bottom: switch to current view of menu panel, toggle virtual keyboard, screenshot function, reset, and dataset selection. 5) Settings menu. 6) Add or remove 3D objects to or from the environment. 7) Export Similar Genes list. 8) Toggle between absolute or normalized expression pattern visualization. 9) Color spectra for expression patterns. 10) Handle used to move the menu panel B) Visualization of a gene expression pattern in the heart model with an example of a resulting similar gene list. C) Side-by-side comparison of two different gene expression patterns (left) and heatmap comparison of two genes within one model based on the differences in the gene expression values in each section (right). D) Piecewise comparison/group selection to analyze the gene expression based on the regions within the model. E) Similar gene list exported as text files. F) Example of a screenshot from four different angles of the heart model. G) Comparison of visualization of normalized and absolute values

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